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Welcome to Vulture Peak Middle School!

  • A Message from our Principal

    Anne Marie Davee



    “We Make Magic Happen”


    The motto for this year as a district is “Magic Happens”.  At Vulture Peak, we want to be an integral part of our student’s lives and be the influence that makes the magic happen. That is the challenge for us all this year.  As Eagles, we RISE (Respect-Integrity-Safety-Excellence) to the challenge! This is the motto for our school, which is based on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), the framework used for our school to promote positive behavior of students, and encourage them to make the right choices.  This is the third year that we are utilizing PBIS, and we hope that it has been a positive experience for both students and staff.


    As a middle school, we are tasked with preparing our students for high school and beyond, something taken very seriously by our Staff.  We want students to have opportunities to explore different areas of education and have a variety of experiences which will give them ideas of what they want to do when they “grow up”. For these reasons, we have added art, theater and an exploration class this year in addition to Physical Education (PE), choir and band as choices for student specials.  This is a great age for trying new things and seeing what fits and what is a passion.


    This year, we only have one new teacher joining us.  Marie Snodgrass will be our new Special Education teacher.  She is moving here from Montana to be closer to family and is in her 10th year of teaching.   Ms. Snodgrass has three grown children and two very energetic grandsons. She is looking forward to exploring the desert and its diversity. 


    We are also excited to announce that we have added soccer to our schedule this year for boys. Their season will run simultaneously with the girls’ volleyball season. Tryouts for both teams start soon after school begins, so students will need to have their Rank One paperwork completed.


    Parents and guardians have many opportunities to be involved in the school community as well.  We have an active Parent/Teacher Association (PTA), Site Council, Parent/Superintendent Council and many different ways to volunteer. From sports to academics, parents/guardians can be active participants in our school.  Students benefit greatly from adult involvement. We welcome you to be a part of our school!  Our open house will be Thursday, July 25th from 4:30 until 6:00. Please come to meet teachers, get schedules, and ask questions.


    This is going to be a great year.  This is a fun age and we are excited to be an integral part of the growth of children. We encourage everyone to RISE to the occasion and make magic happen!

    Mrs. Anne Marie Davee, M. Ed.



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