• Pink Day

    As Eagles, we RISE (Respect-Integrity-Safety-Excellence) to the challenge!


    Our School

    We follow the vision of our district and firmly believe, here at Vulture Peak Middle school, that our students are capable of anything they set their minds too.      We believe in their success and their achievement. We believe in their good character and support their growth and good citizenship in the school environment.  We support the district vision of, "Every child has hope, every student is a graduate, every graduate has a dream."   We know the power of its meaning. Each one of your children is our pride and joy in the classroom each day.


    Student Involvement

    When it comes to learning, each grade level has its own pod of classrooms in our spacious campus with special programs such as art, yearbook, technology, physical education, band, choir, and student council. We encourage students to participate where they can. These opportunities will help build leadership and teamwork skills. After school, students can enjoy an array of sports ranging from girls and boys volleyball, basketball, baseball, and softball. Students can also be involved in our after-school activities through the 21st Century Program.


    The Vulture Peak Mission

    The mission for Vulture Peak Middle School is, “To provide a cooperative effort using accepted middle school teaching strategies that ensure our students will:

    1. Achieve their full potential.
    2. Become respectful and responsible.
    3. Meet the challenges of life-long learning.

    Vulture Peak's mission was developed in a combined effort by many teachers, staff members and community stakeholders. Our "community" includes staff, parents, students and community members. We are Vulture Peak are absolutely dedicated to achieving this mission for all students.


    Our Core Beliefs

    • Everyone will be treated with dignity at all times.
    • Problems are really opportunities to learn and grow.
    • We are responsible for solving our own problems with guidance.
    • Adults are here to help.
    • Logical consequences will be used instead of punishment when possible.


    Academic Goals

    We strive to be better every day, month, and year. We have three major goals that motivate us to excel.

    1. Increase student achievement.
    2. Maximize teacher effectiveness and student learning.
    3. Promote a positive climate and culture.