- Wickenburg Virtual Academy
- Attendance Policy
Attendance in WVA courses will be measured through participation in assignments, completion, and submission of lessons, reading required novels, and in general correspondence with the WVA teachers, as well as hours recorded in the learning management system. Attendance will be submitted each week through the StudentVue/ParentVue Portal.
- The Arizona Department of Education requires a minimum number of hours per week and semester for each grade level.
If students do not "attend" the appropriate amount of time, credit will not be granted for the class and the student could fail the class(es).
The students can schedule their weekly required hours as they like each week, but they need to have the correct total of hours completed for each semester class at the end of 18 weeks. If evenings and weekends work better for the student, this is fine, but the student will not have the advantage of emailing a teacher and getting a prompt reply immediately back. All teachers work at school for 9 hours per day and will probably not respond to email questions until the next day. Teachers will post their WVA office hours to check progress and answer emails each day, so the student knows when to expect a reply. All WVA courses are designed to be highly interactive and require that the students participate in the course content online each week, and communicate with instructors. A student’s learning and ultimate success depend upon participation.
Drop/Withdrawal Policy
Extended periods of non-participation in an online class will be evident in the following ways:
Failure to log into the course following attendance guidelines, or complete assignments.
Failure to communicate with the instructor through email.
Failure to submit required lessons online or offline assignments to teachers.
In any instance where technical difficulties prevent a student from full participation in the course, students must let WVA staff know immediately. We will work with the WUSD IT department, and try to brainstorm a solution.
Should there be an extended lack of attendance/participation, the student will be withdrawn from Wickenburg Virtual Academy.