Principal's Message
Welcome to the Second Semester of the 2024-2025 School Year!
Happy New Year, Hassayampa Families!
Our staff has been hard at work preparing meaningful and rigorous lessons for our incredible students. We’ve set high expectations and developed thoughtful plans to ensure every student’s success. After-school tutoring will again be available to provide additional support for those who need it, reinforcing our commitment to student academic achievement.
We believe that every child can learn to the highest level, and we’re ready to offer the time and support necessary for each student’s success. To help us in this mission, I ask for your continued support:
- Ensure your child arrives at school on time every day.
- Encourage your child to read for at least 30 minutes every evening or spend time reading together.
- Practice basic math facts with your child regularly.
- Monitor homework completion.
- Ask your child to share what they learned at school each day.
Your dedication to your child’s education today will have a lasting impact on their future.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for January and are open to all families wishing to meet with their child’s teacher. These conferences are an excellent opportunity to strengthen the partnership between home and school for your child’s benefit.
As a reminder, while student supervision begins at 7:45 a.m., the school day officially starts at 8:00 a.m. Students should be in their classrooms by that time, as tardiness is marked at 8:05. If your child is eating breakfast at school, please ensure they arrive at 7:45.
Exciting Events This Semester!
December brought us much joy, and we’re looking forward to many fantastic events in the months ahead, including:- Our first-ever Apex Fun Run
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Principal’s Coffees
- HOWL Celebrations
- Art & Science Night
…and much more!
For the latest updates, be sure to check the school website, Facebook page, Class Dojo, and your child’s teacher’s weekly newsletters. Mark these important events on your family calendar—I hope to see you there!
Thank you for your continued support of our school community. Together, we can ensure a successful and rewarding semester for every Hassayampa student.
Best wishes for a fantastic 2025!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Hershkowitz
Here on our news page we will keep you posted on all upcoming events and activities. Check back often for any new developments!
Communication is essential! We encourage all parents to reach out to their child’s teacher with questions and concerns as we continue to strive for academic excellence. You will find teachers’ email addresses right here on our school website. Many families enjoy the convenience of using Class Dojo for communication as well. Keep in mind that Class Dojo doesn’t necessarily alert the teacher when a message has come through. If there is a delay in communication, please contact the teacher through the school email.
It is important that the schools have your current contact information - email & phone. Please contact the school office to provide updates.
Students need to be on time and ready for school each morning! It is important to establish routines to reduce morning chaos. We recommend the following, but figure out what works for you and your family.
- Lay out clean clothes, underwear, socks, and face covering.
- Organize backpack and have it ready.
- Put a jacket with your backpack if needed.
- Brush teeth.
- Shower or bath with soap! (This can be in the morning)
- Read a bedtime story.
- Shower or bath, if not done the night before.
- Brush teeth.
- Brush hair.
- Put on clean clothes, underwear, and socks.
- Eat breakfast. (if eating school breakfast, arrive at 7:45)
- Get backpack and face covering.
- Arrive at school BEFORE 8 am. Classwork starts at 8:00.
Thank you for your help in starting the day right!
A Note from the Health Station
We have to be certain that students who are ill stay home. If your child is running a fever, he/she may not return to school until he/she is fever free without medication for 24 hours.
According to the Maricopa County Dept of Public Health, more than half of elementary-aged children with COVID-19 report fever &/or headache. Fevers are the most common in preschool aged children.
If your child is ill and must miss school, please give us a call to let us know - 928-684-6750.
Should your child become sick while at school, you will be called to pick your child up. Make sure you are available or that you have a Plan B if you aren't available. Be prepared!
Drop Off and Pick Up Reminders
It is very important that all families understand the safety measures in place for our parking lot. Thank you for taking the time to review this information.
The student drop-off in the morning is the parking lot in front of the stairs to the school. A staff member will be our greeter. A staff member will be on duty at 7:45 a.m. Please do not drop your child off until you see someone on duty. For longer stops, please park and walk your child to the sidewalk. We do not permit students in the parking lot without an adult. For those times that you may need to be somewhere early, please make arrangements for your child to either ride the bus or be taken to school by someone else.
In the afternoon, parents may wait in the car line for their child to be sent to their car or park in the lot and wait for students at the gate. Again, we do not permit students in the parking lot unless escorted by an adult. Please do not call your child from the car as we will not allow him/her to enter the lot. This is for your child’s safety. Please follow the traffic flow through the parking lot and be courteous to drivers and pedestrians. Kindergarten students are the first to exit the building, and will come down the ramp. A staff member will be on duty at the ramp gate. No visitors will be permitted beyond the gate unless picking up preschool or needing assistance in the office. Please let the supervisor know which child is yours. Supervisors may ask for identification.
Kindergarten through second grade release first - 3:10. Parents of third through fifth graders should arrive after 3:15.
Reading Progress
Check out our newsletters to stay up-to-date with what's happening at Hassayampa! If you would like to receive the newsletter electronically, please contact the school office.
Coyote Den
At this time, Hassayampa is fortunate to have one-to-one Chromebooks available in all classrooms. These Chromebooks have been paid for by a variety of grants as well as through our Tax Credit funds. We are grateful to our generous community for supporting us in this way!
If you want to help support this technology, many classrooms still need headphones.
Thank you for your support!