- Wickenburg High School
- Scholarship Opportunities
Local Scholarship Opportunities
Below there are many wonderful scholarship opportunities offered to our students. Please be aware of the deadlines and qualifications of each individual scholarship. If you have any questions, please contact your school counselor.
All are due April 1st unless otherwise noted below.
American Legion Post 12 scholarships
Arizona Community Foundation (multiple scholarships available)
Carolyn Corbet Memorial Scholarship
Chamber of Commerce Alumni Scholarship
Chamber of Commerce Education Committee Scholarship
Citizens on Patrol Scholarship
Dorothy Coon Memorial Scholarship
Geri Craig Hamersley Memorial Scholarship
Grote Construction Scholarship
Republican Women of Wickenburg Scholarship
Table Top Scholarship (must live in Aguila)
United Wickenburg Firefighters Scholarship
Virginia "Ginny" DeVore Memorial Scholarship
Wickenburg Area Realtors Scholarship
Wickenburg Art Club Scholarship
WHS Athletic Boosters Scholarship
Wickenburg Conservation Foundation Scholarship
Wickenburg Community Hospital Scholarship
Wickenburg Elks Lodge #2160 Scholarship
Wickenburg Performing Arts Scholarship
William J Firth Memorial Scholarship