Athletic Participation Information



    Welcome to Wickenburg High Athletics! We are excited that you are interested in participating in our  sports program. There are a few things that need to happen before an athlete can suit up: 


    A student must be registered at Wickenburg High School or Wickenburg Virtual Academy to participate  in sports. If a student is homeschooled, they must provide an Affidavit of Homeschool Registration with  the county. 

    A high school student (9, 10, 11 or 12th grade) who is transferring from another school and played a  sport must fill out a 550 form on the AIA website ( transfer/create). This allows the school administrator to see the student’s information to approve their  transfer. This is not necessary for incoming 8th grade students. 

    Sports Participation Fee - New starting with our 2024-25 Athletic season

    Single sport per athlete $100

    Individual Cap for the year $200

    *Family cap (including junior high students) $300

    Reduced Fee (must have AD approval with signature form) $40

    Fees may be paid in the Bookstore with cash or check. Fees may also be paid online at: 

    We require that students pay their athletic fee before the first contest.  

    *All Family Caps must be paid at Wickenburg High School. 

    Rank One 

    At Wickenburg High, we use Rank One as a way to track our students’ information to make sure they are  compliant with AIA (Arizona Interscholastic Association) requirements for all athletes. Rank One is an  app the administration and coaches use to approve a student for participation. There are several components that need to be completed for each student: 

    1. Physical Form* 

    2. Athletic Packet 

    3. Athletic Clearance 

    4. Athletic Clearance Issue 

    5. Sportsmanship Form 

    6. Informed Consent 

    7. Concussion & Opioid Education (

    8. Emergency Card 

    9. Uniform Eligible 

    10. Student Athletic Handbook Agreement

    *Once the physical has been completed, form 15.7-B must be scanned or an image uploaded to Rank  One. The school administration will then approve.  

    Please contact Athletic Director Cory Monesmith ( or Athletic Secretary  Shawnah Schafer ( with any questions.