Performing Arts

  • Performing Arts

    Students who participate in the performing arts have access to a more well-rounded education with over-arching values and topics across all subjects. Students are able to gain a better appreciation of the arts while learning important life skills that they will carry with them throughout high school and beyond. The arts create a supportive community in which all students can succeed and is an important part of the curriculum here at Wickenburg High School.

    Many of the opportunities and experiences that we offer would not be possible without the Wickenburg Performing Arts Boosters (WPAB). Please visit our WPAB web page for more information.

    Experiences in the Arts

    Students are able to participate in three different types of arts here in Wickenburg. If schedules permit, many students will choose to be in all three ensembles: chorale, band, and the theatre troupe at once! There is no extra cost to have these experiences, simply a willingness and commitment to spending time in and out of the classroom preparing for all rehearsals and upcoming performances.


  • At Vulture Peak, we offer both beginning band and advanced band. At the high school, we offer instrumental band for all students playing brass and woodwind instruments.  Performances for Vulture Peak and the high school include concerts, parades, pep band, and various solo opportunities in the community. We always welcome beginners at both the middle school and high school level.



  • We offer Choral at the high school and one choir at Vulture Peak Middle School.   Choir students have the opportunity to perform in concerts at the Webb Center, all home football games, local concerts around the Wickenburg community, High School and Junior High Choral Festivals, Northern Arizona University's Jazz/Madrigal Festival, and in the Arizona Regional Honors Choir.



  •  We offer two theatre performance classes and two annual extra-curricular productions here at Wickenburg High School. We welcome students of all ability levels to join the introductory level theatre class, while the advanced theatre class is for students who have taken the introductory class and would like to  further their abilities as young actors and actresses. The theatre department also puts on two annual productions: a fall play and a spring musical. An auditioned cast of WHS students puts on these performances. The fall play and the spring musical are after-school commitments, and they offer very exciting opportunities for students to hone their skills in acting, dancing, and singing while creating new friends and learning life skills that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Meet the Directors

    • Band - Vicki Sweeny, WHS Band Teacher and Keyboard Instructor
    • Choir - Vicki Sweeny, WHS Choir Teacher
    • Theatre - Sue Baker, WHS Theatre Teacher, Fall Play/Spring Musical Director, Theatre Troupe Sponsor

Important Information